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Sep 30 2008

Racistand Fascist Violence• Put the Blame for Racist and FascistViolenceSquarely on the Harper Government

Sep 30 2008

Racistand Fascist Violence• Put the Blame for Racist and FascistViolenceSquarely on the Harper Government

Sep 30 2008

, the greatest thing was that Harper backed down, as he is doing with so many of his fascist political

Sep 30 2008

, the greatest thing was that Harper backed down, as he is doing with so many of his fascist political

Nov 03 2008

Lies in Our Fight for the Rights of All!• Calgary Rally Opposes State-Organized Racist and Fascist Violence• Put the Blame for Racist and Fascist Violence Squarely on the Harper Government and the Canadian

Nov 03 2008

The Marxist-Leninist DailyDecember 6, 2007 - No. 200Harper Government's Fascist Law andOrder AgendaWithdraw Bills C-2 and C-3!No to Rule By Exception!- Philip Fernandez -Harper Government's Fascist Law andOrder Agenda• Withdraw Bills C-2 and C-3! No to Rule byException! - Philip FernandezSteel• OutsourcingTechnical Work at Algoma Steel - K.C. AdamsQuebec• GrowingStudent Opposition to Military Recruitment • No CanadianArmy Recruitment on Our Campus! -Gilbert Talbot,Spokesperson, Bleuets pour la paix• No to Police Impunity!Toronto• Rally OpposesFundraising for "Canada Park" on Occupied Palestinian LandsOttawa• Militant Demonstration against Kidnapping ofChadian Children• Sarkozy'sRacist Attack on AfricaHarper Government's Fascist Law and OrderAgendaWithdraw Bills C-2 and C-3!No to Rule by Exception!- Philip Fernandez* -In the Throne Speech of October 16, 2007, among otherthings, the Harper Government stated "Canada was founded on Harper government is aiming to get Canadians to conciliate with theidea of accepting a fascist police

Nov 03 2008

-fascist logic is centred, of course, on the fear of the conscientious voter of splitting the vote on the left to the benefit of the Harper Conservatives. But to what is even more remarkable, this opinion to label Hepburn a "neo-fascist". In fact, Hepburn writes from a very Liberal point of view, and has been very critical of Stephen Harper and the Conservatives' "not-so hidden" agenda in editorials like

Nov 03 2008

, the greatest thing was that Harper backed down, as he is doing with so many of his fascist political

Nov 03 2008

Parti Vert du Canada |Toronto Star Loses The Plot | www.greenparty.caOuvrir une Session | EnglishDonnezAction AdhérezPancarteParticipezPlate-formeÀ notre sujet Contact Cabinet fantômePersonnelParties Verts ProvinciauxMédiaDéputésComtéNouvelles ActualitésCommuniqués de presseAccueil » Blogues » Le blog de K. Tyler NasmithToronto Star Loses The PlotSoumis par K. Tyler Nasmith le 9 octobre 2008 - 1:11pm.In Bob Hepburn's opinion piece in today's Star ("Should the Greens just fade away?"), he prophesizes: "the Greens could easily become the worst - not the best - thing that happened to the Canadian environment in decades." Huh? Hepburn's neo-fascist logic is centred, of course, on the fear of the conscientious voter of splitting the vote on the left to the benefit of the Harper Conservatives. But to what is even more remarkable, this opinion Suzuki's words out of context, I really do think it's too far of a stretch to label Hepburn a "neo-fascist Harper and the Conservatives' "not-so hidden" agenda in editorials like "Harper's goal a right wing

Nov 03 2008

realize just how much pressure actual came to bare.From my perspective, the greatest thing was that Harper backed down, as he is doing with so many of his fascist political instincts.Clothed as he is in the