May 05 2014
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Rally for ReproductiveJustice• Mr. Harper — Call Off YourProvocateurs and Renounce Violence Against the People! – SteveRutchinskiLetters to the Editor• Media Coverage and Fascist"Security" Measures at the G8
May 06 2014
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Activism | socialist.caSkip to main contentHomeAboutWhere We StandArticlesResourcesBookroomLinksEventsSearch formSearchGet this month's newspaper in PDF formatSectionsAction AlertAudioEventsNewsReport on BusinessSharedUncategorizedReportsFeaturesArtsWhat we thinkObituariesColumnsInterviewsVideosTopicsActivismEducationHealthcareIndigenous SovereigntyPeople's historyQueer LiberationRadical TheoryReport on BusinessRevolutionStrategy/tacticsAnti-imperialismAnti-austerityCivil libertiesEnvironmental justiceAnti-racismNational liberationWomen's liberationCultureLabour movementDisability politicsSocial democracyRegionYou are hereHomeActivismProtests force Greek government to turn on fascist Golden DawnOctober 2, 2013 - Panos GarganasScience against HarperSeptember 28, 2013 - Chantal SundaramFifty years after Martin Luther King’s dreamSeptember 28, 2013 - Paolo BassiTell Harper: demand the release of Tarek and JohnSeptember 28, 2013Bahrain: fearless resistanceSeptember 28, 2013 - Yusur Al BahraniWar resister begins fourth year in sanctuarySeptember 26, 2013 - Sarah
May 06 2014
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Stillby Bill Still21,866 views0:54Stephen Harper: Am I A Fascist? (Part 1)by OperationMaple1,809
Aug 05 2014
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Rally for ReproductiveJustice• Mr. Harper — Call Off YourProvocateurs and Renounce Violence Against the People! – SteveRutchinskiLetters to the Editor• Media Coverage and Fascist"Security" Measures at the G8
Aug 06 2014
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Activism | socialist.caSkip to main contentHomeAboutWhere We StandArticlesResourcesBookroomLinksEventsSearch formSearchGet this month's newspaper in PDF formatSectionsAction AlertAudioEventsNewsReport on BusinessSharedUncategorizedReportsFeaturesArtsWhat we thinkObituariesColumnsInterviewsVideosTopicsActivismEducationHealthcareIndigenous SovereigntyPeople's historyQueer LiberationRadical TheoryReport on BusinessRevolutionStrategy/tacticsAnti-imperialismAnti-austerityCivil libertiesEnvironmental justiceAnti-racismNational liberationWomen's liberationCultureLabour movementDisability politicsSocial democracyRegionYou are hereHomeActivismPowerShift builds climate justice movementOctober 7, 2013 - Jesse McLarenNo more stolen sistersOctober 6, 2013 - Yusur Al BahraniProtests force Greek government to turn on fascist Golden DawnOctober 2, 2013 - Panos GarganasScience against HarperSeptember 28, 2013 - Chantal SundaramFifty years after Martin Luther King’s dreamSeptember 28, 2013 - Paolo BassiTell Harper: demand the release of Tarek and JohnSeptember 28, 2013Bahrain
Nov 05 2014
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the neo-fascist and openly anti-semitic Svoboda party).The Central Committee condemns the Harper
electoral wedge issue, the Conservative Party is no champion against anti-Jewish slanderers; Harper is
Feb 06 2015
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the fascist sympathies and intentions of Stephen Harper,withoutexplaining it as a continuation of
Feb 06 2015
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the neo-fascist and openly anti-semitic Svoboda party).The Central Committee condemns the Harper
electoral wedge issue, the Conservative Party is no champion against anti-Jewish slanderers; Harper is
Feb 06 2015
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ceremonies.Protest against Harpergovernment's support for the fascist Ukrainian regime, October4 5, 2014.Harper has
AuxiliaryPoliceand the Waffen SS Nachtigall and Roland battalions. Harper visitedUkrainein 2014 to show support for the fascist-led coup which ousted theelectedUkrainian president. Harper now promotes the new Ukrainian
(DOCR), implemented under the War MeasuresAct.[3] Why does the Harper government not apologize for that? Didtheanti-fascist Ukrainians pose a danger to Canada? If so, what kind ofdanger didthey pose?6th Convention
Feb 06 2015
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spectacle of Harper defending areactionary neo-fascist regime in Ukraine, which gained powerthrough a coup d'état no less. Harper refuses to defend thesovereignty of his own country, recognize the sovereignty of