Oct 27 2005
greenparty.ca |
the corporate capital tax to allow a tax cut for businesses with progressive social and environmental practices.Increasing Taxes on PollutionThe Green Party will phase in tax increases on CO2 and health damaging emissions
Oct 27 2005
liberal.ca |
tax revenues with municipal governments, Canada is demonstrating that the environmental and economic
Oct 27 2005
conservative.ca |
Courting Environmental Disaster06 September 2005Harper Plans Tax Break for Family Fishing Businesses02
Oct 27 2005
conservative.ca |
Courting Environmental Disaster06 September 2005Harper Plans Tax Break for Family Fishing Businesses02
Oct 27 2005
liberal.ca |
east-west power grid interconnections are just a few promising possibilities.In terms of tax measures, as I mentioned earlier, we have created a new environmental exception to the depreciation rules, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions by providing a tax preference for cleaner power generation equipment.And we will continue to look for other ways to use the tax system to advance environmental goals.As
through the gas tax will be dedicated to sustainable infrastructure.Second, in addition to the gas tax, we
environmental projects to be advanced.And third, half of that new funding through the Green Municipal Funds will
Oct 27 2005
greenparty.ca |
- a non-profit initiative from Canada's leading environmental rights organizations.The Green Budget Coalition recommends that tax revenue from adjusted fuel taxes be reinvested specifically on disease
Oct 27 2005
greenparty.ca |
the corporate capital tax to allow a tax cut for businesses with progressive social and environmental practices.Increasing Taxes on PollutionThe Green Party will phase in tax increases on CO2 and health damaging emissions
Oct 27 2005
greenparty.ca |
to tax, as well as regulating, speculative financial flowsensuring that market prices of goods and services fully incorporate the environmental costs of their production and consumptionachieving greater
Oct 27 2005
conservative.ca |
Courting Environmental Disaster06 September 2005Harper Plans Tax Break for Family Fishing Businesses02
Oct 27 2005
greenparty.ca |
reducing corporate income taxes to encourage reinvestment. We will revise the corporate capital tax to allow a tax cut for businesses with progressive social and environmental practices. Increasing Taxes