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Results 311 to 320 of 67,669

311 "Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Resource Economic Project (BC)"

Mar 24 2006 16:07:58 EST

312 "NDP | Jack Layton's open letter on budget agreement"

Mar 24 2006 16:08:49 EST

313 "Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Cost Shift"

Mar 24 2006 16:10:04 EST

314 "Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Was your tax cut worth it?"

Mar 24 2006 16:10:44 EST

316 "Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Research Produced by the CCPA"

Mar 24 2006 16:15:38 EST

317 "Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - CCPA News Releases"

Mar 24 2006 16:24:18 EST

318 "Employer tax-break for issuing transit passes"

Mar 24 2006 16:29:34 EST

319 "Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Resource Economic Project (BC)"

Mar 24 2006 16:32:40 EST

320 "Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Resource Economic Project (BC)"

Mar 24 2006 16:33:19 EST

Date Domain
Mar 24 2006

lead to boom-and-bust cycles in BCт€™s resource sector; policy solutions for jobs and environmental sustainability; a worker transition strategy for implementing the Kyoto Accord on climate change; environmental tax shifting; economic analysis of fish farms and offshore oil expansion in BC; and more.Until early

Mar 24 2006

investment in our economy is not contingent upon matching funds.$900 million for environmental initiatives efficiency; and a one-cent increase in the gas tax transfer to municipalities for public transit, recognizing

Mar 24 2006

calculates British Columbians' "cost shift"Editorial: Was your tax cut worth it?Editorial: Environmental tax

Mar 24 2006

: New CCPA study calculates British Columbians' "cost shift"Editorial: Environmental tax shifting cannot

Mar 24 2006

general decline in environmental standards and the quality of government services, and a more unequal society, even those who still hold onto modest gains will ask: were the tax cuts worth the price?"Editorial: Was your tax cut worth it?Editorial: Environmental tax shifting cannot replace regulationWe can’t

Mar 24 2006

?Assessing the Latest Liberal Tax Cutsby Hugh MackenzieNovember 1, 2000 | National OfficeShifting GroundA CCPA-BC Policy Brief on the Potential and Limitations of Environmental Tax Shiftingby Dale

Mar 24 2006

OfficeEnvironmental tax shifting cannot replace regulationNew CCPA report offers a framework for evaluating environmental taxes and cautions against using tax shifting as a panaceaOctober 26, 2000 | BC Office, National

Mar 24 2006

benefit. By rewarding drivers, this sends the wrong message to Canadians. In a post-Kyoto world, the tax system should be altered to reward transit riders who cause less environmental damage than car

Mar 24 2006

| BC Office, National OfficeEnvironmental tax shifting cannot replace regulationNew CCPA report offers a framework for evaluating environmental taxes and cautions against using tax shifting as a Potential and Limitations of Environmental Tax Shiftingby Dale MarshallOctober 26, 2000 | Reports & Studies lead to boom-and-bust cycles in BCт€™s resource sector; policy solutions for jobs and environmental sustainability; a worker transition strategy for implementing the Kyoto Accord on climate change; environmental tax shifting; economic analysis of fish farms and offshore oil expansion in BC; and more.Until early

Mar 24 2006

lead to boom-and-bust cycles in BCт€™s resource sector; policy solutions for jobs and environmental sustainability; a worker transition strategy for implementing the Kyoto Accord on climate change; environmental tax shifting; economic analysis of fish farms and offshore oil expansion in BC; and more.Until early