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Results 331 to 340 of 67,669

332 "Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Was your tax cut worth it?"

Mar 24 2006 17:06:12 EST

334 "Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Environmental tax shifting cannot replace regulation"

Mar 24 2006 17:06:20 EST

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Environmental tax shifting cannot replace regulation

335 "Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Environmental tax shifting cannot replace regulation"

Mar 24 2006 17:07:50 EST

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Environmental tax shifting cannot replace regulation

336 "Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - The CCPA Monitor"

Mar 24 2006 17:09:41 EST

337 "the Green Party- Questions and answers"

Mar 24 2006 17:09:56 EST

338 "NDP-Questions and Responses"

Mar 24 2006 17:09:58 EST

339 "Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - October 2004: Our Manufactured Health-Care Crisis"

Mar 24 2006 17:12:44 EST

340 "The Council of Canadians"

Mar 24 2006 17:16:18 EST

Date Domain
Mar 24 2006

the future. Ten policy experts examine major aspects of his record--debt and deficit, tax, economic, social, environmental, federal-provincial, and international.Paul Martin has promised as one of his top

Mar 24 2006

: New CCPA study calculates British Columbians' "cost shift"Editorial: Environmental tax shifting cannot

Mar 24 2006

general decline in environmental standards and the quality of government services, and a more unequal society, even those who still hold onto modest gains will ask: were the tax cuts worth the price?"Editorial: Was your tax cut worth it?Editorial: Environmental tax shifting cannot replace regulationWe can’t

Mar 24 2006

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Environmental tax shifting cannot replace regulation

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Environmental tax shifting cannot replace MembershipsBookstoreContactHome» Research & Publications» Research Projects» Public Interest Research Desk (BC)» Environmental tax discussion paper a few months ago on a relatively new policy tool: environmental tax shifting. The paper was in the price of driving. Environmental tax shifting requires that the revenue from environmental the same amount.Our analysis of environmental tax shifting finds that this policy is a good idea in energy deregulation. Environmental tax shifting is simply not capable of filling the void left by this budget is an example of unwisely using environmental tax shifting to replace regulation. A ban on beehive . Sometimes, using environmental tax shifting and regulation in conjunction allows society to benefit from the advantages of both. For example, an environmental tax on a polluting technology can reward industry for established criteria, environmental tax shifting is chosen to be the best option--and it is in certain

Mar 24 2006

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Environmental tax shifting cannot replace regulation

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Environmental tax shifting cannot replace MembershipsBookstoreContactHome» Research & Publications» Research Projects» Public Interest Research Desk (BC)» Environmental tax discussion paper a few months ago on a relatively new policy tool: environmental tax shifting. The paper was in the price of driving. Environmental tax shifting requires that the revenue from environmental the same amount.Our analysis of environmental tax shifting finds that this policy is a good idea in energy deregulation. Environmental tax shifting is simply not capable of filling the void left by this budget is an example of unwisely using environmental tax shifting to replace regulation. A ban on beehive . Sometimes, using environmental tax shifting and regulation in conjunction allows society to benefit from the advantages of both. For example, an environmental tax on a polluting technology can reward industry for established criteria, environmental tax shifting is chosen to be the best option--and it is in certain

Mar 24 2006

NothingThe Vicq Committee's Corporate Tax Cutsby Erin WeirDecember 14, 2005 | Reports & Studies | Saskatchewan OfficeDecember 2005: The "Big Business Bang" TheorySocial, economic, environmental ills all have

Mar 24 2006

green tax shift (ecological fiscal reform) to align companies environmental performance with their

Mar 24 2006

direct government action to wean this economy from dependence on fossil fuels and nuclear power; new tax increase in resources and regulation devoted to environmental protection – to ensure that Canadians can pollution prevention under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act·aggressively funding new investments in public transit, rail, and renewable energy increasing investment in environmental protection·phasing in a tax shift regime that moves tax incentives from polluting energy to green energy3.Improving efficiency

Mar 24 2006

or support as health care: housing, social assistance, transfers to municipalities, and environmental budget.Given the priority placed on tax cuts, governmentsт€™ capacity to re-invest in health care, plus a wider

Mar 24 2006

that so clearly favours corporate profits over environmental regulation.” stated Jean-Yves LeFort of the Council of Canadians “This ruling is costing Canadian tax payers millions of dollars and seriously