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none of the spending cuts had to happen,т€� says Klein. т€œIf the government now chooses further tax
, environmental protection, and supports for BCт€™s more vulnerable citizens. If we choose to invest in good
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, environmental protection and reducing unemployment--over tax cuts. Studies have also shown that spending on tax
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Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Environmental tax shifting cannot replace regulation
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Environmental tax shifting cannot replace
) Feed.Email this page to a friendPress ReleaseEnvironmental tax shifting cannot replace regulationNew CCPA report offers a framework for evaluating environmental taxes and cautions against using tax shifting as a
of Environmental Tax Shifting finds that tax shifting is a good idea in principle, but should be
recently released a discussion paper on environmental tax shifting. Today's brief is intended to contribute
author of the report, states that many environmental laws and policies cannot be replaced by tax shifting
," says Marshall. "Environmental tax shifting can play a useful role in some circumstances, but it is
for determining when the use of environmental tax shifting is appropriate. "The principle of making
definitely opportunities for using environmental tax shifting at all levels of government," states
Environmental Tax Shifting- PDF File,228 KbRequires Adobe Acrobat Reader. CCPA National Office | Suite 410, 75
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general decline in environmental standards and the quality of government services, and a more unequal society, even those who still hold onto modest gains will ask: were the tax cuts worth the price?"Editorial: Was your tax cut worth it?Editorial: Environmental tax shifting cannot replace regulationDownload
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cycles in BCт€™s resource sector; policy solutions for jobs and environmental sustainability; a worker transition strategy for implementing the Kyoto Accord on climate change; environmental tax shifting; economic
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| National OfficeMoney for NothingThe Vicq Committee's Corporate Tax Cutsby Erin WeirDecember 14, 2005
, environmental ills all have the same causeby Ed FinnDecember 1, 2005 | Monitor Issue | National OfficeSeptember
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Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Environmental tax shifting cannot replace regulation
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Environmental tax shifting cannot replace
MembershipsBookstoreContactHome» About CCPA Offices» BC Office» Publications» Environmental tax shifting cannot replace
released a discussion paper a few months ago on a relatively new policy tool: environmental tax shifting
those costs to be included in the price of driving. Environmental tax shifting requires that the revenue
like the GST--by the same amount.Our analysis of environmental tax shifting finds that this policy is a
be moving towards energy deregulation. Environmental tax shifting is simply not capable of filling
government in the last provincial budget is an example of unwisely using environmental tax shifting to
how politically feasible is it. Sometimes, using environmental tax shifting and regulation in conjunction allows society to benefit from the advantages of both. For example, an environmental tax on a
evaluating different policies using established criteria, environmental tax shifting is chosen to be the best
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CCPA-BC Policy Brief on the Potential and Limitations of Environmental Tax ShiftingOctober 26, 2000 | BC Office, National Office | Topic(s): Environment & sustainability, Taxes & tax cuts | Author(s
: 0-88627-240-8 | Pages: 20Press Release: Environmental tax shifting cannot replace regulationEditorial: Environmental tax shifting cannot replace regulationDownload the Report/Study:Shifting Ground: A CCPA-BC Policy Brief on the Potential and Limitations of Environmental Tax Shifting- PDF File,228
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pep, though, does it?)Some have said this is just another tax grab, an underhanded way for government to collect more money from us. But the feebate, a form of environmental tax shifting, has been
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than the local economy.There is still plenty of room for tax reform. An agenda for reform should improve the fairness, progressivity and environmental sensitivity of the tax system. Any tax cuts in the