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Results 401 to 410 of 67,669

401 "Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - BC Office Publications"

Mar 24 2006 19:26:07 EST

403 "Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Merger mania"

Mar 24 2006 19:30:43 EST

404 "Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - What a progressive federal budget would look like"

Mar 24 2006 19:31:49 EST

405 "Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Was your tax cut worth it?"

Mar 24 2006 19:35:21 EST

407 "Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Cost Shift"

Mar 24 2006 19:35:37 EST

408 "The Council of Canadians"

Mar 24 2006 19:37:25 EST

Date Domain
Mar 24 2006

solutions for jobs and environmental sustainability; a worker transition strategy for implementing the Kyoto Accord on climate change; environmental tax shifting; economic analysis of fish farms and offshore oil

Mar 24 2006

chooses further tax cuts, the price is even less money available now and in future years for health care, education, environmental protection, and supports for BCт€™s more vulnerable citizens. If we choose to

Mar 24 2006

push for tax breaks and lower labour or environmental standards. And mergers today mean that profits

Mar 24 2006

, economic and environmental deficits that plague our communities. The polls consistently tell us Canadians are more concerned with social re-investment than with debt reduction or tax cuts, and Canadians are various deductions). And we need changes that will better meet society's environmental goals.A few does not merit special tax status over hard-earned labour income);re-establish two upper-income tax

Mar 24 2006

Columbians' "cost shift"Editorial: Environmental tax shifting cannot replace regulation CCPA National Office

Mar 24 2006

gains will ask: were the tax cuts worth the price?"Editorial: Was your tax cut worth it?Editorial: Environmental tax shifting cannot replace regulationDownload the Report/Study:Cost Shift: How British Columbians more British Columbians face higher personal costs, a general decline in environmental standards and

Mar 24 2006

calculates British Columbians' "cost shift"Editorial: Was your tax cut worth it?Editorial: Environmental tax

Mar 24 2006

environmental standards, government regulation of services, farm policy, cultural protections, copyright and patent law, tax subsidies, and more.Enforcing the RulesThe WTO can enforce its rules with economic

Mar 24 2006

next two years. Communities are facing large social and environmental costs due to cuts in public services, as the government seeks to pay for the tax cuts. This loss of public sector jobs and services in

Mar 24 2006

with the program -- more tax cuts, deeper and faster spending cuts, privatize Crown corporations, and get rid of environmental and labour regulations.If the government appears to be doing an about-face