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Feb 03 2012

first time in 2001)  anyhoo even they know what  we say is true and harper will never get a majority while he wants to be a fascist to cannabis users On  a side note Steve I get you...though no one here is

Feb 03 2012

and harper will never get a majority while he wants to be a fascist to cannabis users On  a side note

Feb 03 2012

of Guantanamo.

A full-blown military fascist state – which now includes Canadian soil.      


Harper+Cameron's 'laissez-faire' creates

Feb 04 2012

Most Read Blogs - Ever | Green Party of CanadaSkip to NavigationMost Read Blogs - EverHome /Not so durable goods - part of the problemRick Shea|2011-Dec-27AreThere Any Openings at Wal-Mart? Comments:|More >>Egypt: Meet the new boss - same as the old boss.Constantine Kri...|2011-Nov-22Special powers for the military - and the right to hide it's budget.|More >>Durban Blog - Day 1John Streicker|2011-Dec-04The Green Party of Canada contingency includes our MP and Leader,Elizabeth May, Jaymini Bhikha and me.Comments:1|More >>Small numbers are dangerous, in the wrong handsRick Shea|2012-Jan-04Consider thefollowing examples.Water consumptionComments:|More >>Fascist legislation at the U.S. SenateConstantine Kri...|2011-Dec-13Mind boggling:Who needs Habeus  Corpus?Comments:|More >>CanineadaRick Shea|2011-Dec-31Dear Mr. Harper: Comments:|More >>Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Thoery 2012Richard Belshaw|2011-Dec-04

Feb 04 2012

and harper will never get a majority while he wants to be a fascist to cannabis users On  a side note

Feb 05 2012

and harper will never get a majority while he wants to be a fascist to cannabis users On  a side note

Feb 05 2012

and harper will never get a majority while he wants to be a fascist to cannabis users On  a side note

Feb 06 2012

first time in 2001)  anyhoo even they know what  we say is true and harper will never get a majority while he wants to be a fascist to cannabis users On  a side note Steve I get you...though no one here is

Feb 06 2012

and harper will never get a majority while he wants to be a fascist to cannabis users On  a side note

May 03 2012

videos:Loading...View attributions »Show moreShow lessLink to this comment:Share to:Top CommentsHow did Harper get a majority in 2011? Did Canadians not learn from what happened at G20? The fascist is at it again